Trainings for Mental Health Professionals
I offer trainings, workshops and consultation to mental health professionals including but not limited to social workers, settlement workers, youth workers, school counsellors and other school district employees.
The workshops I offer are tailored to the needs and preferences of the teams that request them. I have worked in the frontlines for many years and often wanted practical strategies from the workshops I attended to. Many times, I felt disappointed as I was taught about the things I already knew or that were not relevant to my role. I feel passionate about creating workshops that are meaningful to those who attend them.
Please see a list of the recent workshops I offered below:
Supporting Clients Impacted by Trauma in Brief Counselling Settings
Trauma Informed Practice for Front-Line Staff
Vicarious Trauma, Vicarious Resiliency: How can We Manage Stress as Professionals?
Trauma Informed School Counselling